Online-Exam System Documentation Lamiya Mohmmed El_Saedi 220093158
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 3
Project Plane 3 Introduction: 3 Objectives and concentrations: 4 Scope and limitations: 4 Project Organization (The team): 5 Risk analysis and risk planning: 5 Hardware and software Requirements: 6 Work break down: 7 Schedule: 8 Monitoring and reporting mechanisms: 8 Project management approach: 9
Chapter 2 11
Software Requirement Specification 11 (1) Preface: 11 (2) Introduction: 12 (3) Glossary: 12 (4) User Requirements Definition: 12 (4.1)The products and process features: 13 (5) System Architecture: 13 (6) System Requirement Specification: 14 (6.1) Functional System Requirement: 14 (6.2) Non-Functional System Requirements: 15 6.4) Software Quality Attributes 16 (6.3) System Interfaces: 17 (7) System Models: 18 (8) System Evolution: 18 (9) Appendices: 19
Chapter (3) 21
System Design 21 Introduction: 21 Context Diagram: 22 Models: 23 3.1) Interaction model: 23 System Architecture: 28 Principal system objects: 29 Develop design model: 31 Object interface: 32
Chapter (4) 33
COCOMO 33 COCOMOO II: 34 The early design model: 34
Chapter 1
Project Plane
1.1) Introduction:
This document will propose all features and procedures to develop the system.
This document specially containing details about objectives, scope limitation, process model, primary requirements, team development, possible project risks, project schedule, and finally monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
On-line Exam System is very useful for Educational Institute to prepare an exam, safe the time that will take to check the paper and prepare mark sheets. It will help the Institute to testing of students and develop their skills. But the disadvantages for this system, it takes a lot of times when you prepare the exam at the first time for usage. And we are needs number of
References: [1] Software Requirements Specification for project iTest, 2008 [2] http:// www.scribd.com/doc/33852099/on-line-examiniation-system-project-report [3]http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci1103696,00.html, Sat. 29/10/2011. [4] Software Requirements Specification for Problem Based Learning Module, Souman Mandal, 2010. [5] Software Design Specification (SDS) Acropolis Course Management System, 2011 [6] IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications, Software Engineering Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society