The development of computer technology has led to not only beneficial software also huge profitable online game markets. As all things have two sides, even this technology brings many advantages, online gaming also brings drawbacks. Excessive online gaming can cause serious side effects, but online gaming contributes to in the field of education and social skill. More specifically, it can effect on medical science technical schooling, military exercising, schooling and team work training.
Online gaming and effect on education and social ability
1.1 Medical skills education.
One effect of online gaming is on medical fields. Nowadays, diverse simulation programs of training for medical operation have already applied in many medical science fields (Verdaasdonk , Dankelman, Schijven, Lange, Wentink and Stassen, 2009). According to Verdaasdonk et al. (2009), medical students adopted this simulation programs to encourage deliberate practice and resist motivational obstacles in the simulator training. In order to deliberate operation, their purpose was to evaluate online gaming effect on online gaming competition between surgical residents on a laparoscopic virtual reality simulator (Verdaasdonk et al, 2009). As a result, the student’s final score was compared with the number of attempt of online simulation programs; a higher score was related with a high number of using simulator. (ibid)
1.2 Learning and training tool in education
Another effective way is educational learning and training. Even if the number of online gaming which used for training and learning goal are not huge amount, (de Ferias & Griffiths, 2007) clearly it can be used for educational purpose (O’Connor & Menaker, 2008). According to de Freitas and Griffiths (2007), students and teachers who using multiplayer online game, they could get new techniques in schooling collaboratively online and develop new ICT (information