Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success. GCU’s Learning Management System (LMS) LoudCloud has many resources to help you become a successful graduate student.
View the LoudCloud Walk to Class Tutorial as well as search LoudCloud to find answers to the questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the LoudCloud environment.
Part A: Answer each prompt
1. List the tabs and other items on the screen when you first enter a course in LoudCloud.
When you first enter the classroom you see the homepage. On the home page there is the calendar for the week, assignments for the week in the middle and the blue navigation bar. Other items on the screen is my name, course title, and a search bar. The tabs are the little house, calendar, tasks, resources, connect, reports, and announcements.
2. From the course home page in LoudCloud, click on the “Resources” tab and then click on “Classroom Policies." What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating in the online classroom?
For graduate level students we need to make sure we are participating with one classmate on three separate days each online week. When participating our communication needs to substantive and help build on our online experience. This means that they have to be more then yes I agree with you. They can be based on personal or professional experiences, can be a follow up question to a classmate’s post, and so on to list a few examples of what you can do.
3. Under the “Resources” Tab in LoudCloud, click on the “Student Success Center;" under the “Writing Center” tab click on the “Style Guides and Templates” link. Read through the APA 6th Edition Style Guide and APA 6th Edition Template (without Abstract) documents. Why do you think academic writing requires such strict formatting?
Academic writing requires strict formatting to set the