E-Library: Online library reservation system.
I’m going to develop an online electronic library system that could be used by universities, schools, or public libraries, to control the process of: reserving, lending, and returning of books.
Any user who subscribes to the library can reserve books online, and check the status and history of his transactions.
Literature Review:
As I searched through the Internet to find what had been done regarding this subject, I was surprised that there are very rare or no complete commercial solutions that cover this subject (reserving, lending, and returning of books).
I can categorize what I found into the following main categories:
1. Commercial desktop applications: Used to control books inventory by: adding titles, classification, and searching. (can’t be used over internet, only use by single user)
2. Non commercial Web applications used only for specific organizations such as: universities, public libraries and schools. (they are private)
3. Commercial web applications: These are very rare, I found only one. (like our project)
Literature References:
1. http://www.collectorz.com/book/: A site that sells a commercial desktop books inventory system. {Category 1}
2. http://www.webcheckout.net/: a comprehensive resource management and scheduling system used in educational institutions for inventory such as audio-visual equipment, computers, media, and rooms. {Category 3}
3. http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/: This is a system called “Voyager” which is: an online catalogue describing the Auckland University Library 's extensive information resources, where they are and how to access them. {Category 2} 4. http://www.library.ln.edu.hk/: The Lingnan University Library. {Category 2}
5. http://library.hccs.edu: Houston community college libraries. {Category 2} 6.
References: 2. Alex Homer, Dave Sussman – ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated - Addison Wesley Professional, June 06, 2006. 3. Mark Michaelis - Essential C# 2.0 - Addison Wesley Professional, July 13, 2006.