673 Quirino Highway, San Bartolome, Quezon City
Propose System:
Online Funeral Service Planner for Saint Yves Funeral Services and Corporation.
Nowadays, Technology can control every business transactions. Saint Yves Funeral Services and Corporation offer different caskets and packages for funeral servicing. The company has two branches which is located at Kamias, Quezon City and Sta. Ana Manila. In their company they are using manual system in their transactions, in their system the company agent will visit the client and they will record the important details about it, in that case the company agent will be the one who assist about the services that the client needed. Due to lack of space in their branch in Kamias they don’t have a casket and funeral vehicle showroom, so they decided to let the customer view the caskets via series of photos. So we decided to make a system in which we know that it would help about their transactions.
To develop our system we decided to use different software’s these are: HTML which is the main mark-up language for displaying web pages and other information that can displayed in a web browser. PHP which has a general purpose server-side scripting langu8age originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages, and the last one is MYSQL which has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. In this, we decided to make a system that will help the company to make the transactions to beome fast and efficient for their client.
We decided to make an Online Funeral Service Planner for Saint Yves Funeral Services and Corporation. In our website the clients can view different caskets and can choose any kinds of caskets and packages. The client can order and reserve any package they have chosen. When the client order or reserve a casket and package they will be able to make an account for