Dr. Kimberly
July 2, 2012
Online privacy has been a service, which many people consider important, this service may no longer exist. Google has decided to be intimate with each user linking now with services such as: Gmail, Picasa, Google Plus, and the popular Youtube. Privacy groups argue that this type of force to agree with changes is unreal. The European Union has begun to investigate that if this policy violates the data protection rules. A technology writer, Anick Jesdaunun Jesanun discuses “ These five tips will help protect privacy online.” The article was displayed on March 17,2012, within the Bakersfield Californian. Anick reflects on how advertisement will now become more personal, with this new policy, which it says to help the average citizen. This is not the target but business for the Google company. She provides tips to help protect users such as: managing what is sign-in, reviewing what Google knows, taking advantage of browsers privacy modes, using anonymizers and staying offline. The first tip Anick states is managing the users sign-in. The new policy proceeds as users sign-in. This can be overturned to avoid deep tracking users can just not sign in. Some sites such as Picasa offer services that will requires to login. A solution to this is to use other providers like Flickr for the same service just no tracking. Users can get around sign-ins by using different browsers to keep the identities separate. Therefore, Google will still collect data but it will not have much information on the person. Secondly, people should review what Google knows, there is a way to start called dashboard by going through these services to make sure they are up to date.
Users can look at past search that can enable by web history users can delete any that no longer is a want on the listing. People can check what Google thinks it knows about the user when their not signed in. This are remarked and edited: by categories or interest.