a. Type your Logon ID (Your student ID) b. Type your Password c. Select “Student” from the dropdown list as member group. d. And finally click the “Sign In” button 2. Registration: a. Select the “Registration Page” from the Registration Menu. b. After your student ID, Please click the “Load Courses” button.
c. If necessary please check out the “outstanding F” and the “Mandatory Fail Course(s)” in the red mark level. d. A list of courses will appear in the list below with an editable check box in the left side of the course. e. Scroll the course list if necessary to find a course or click over the text box written “Course searching” in the green color and type your expected course id. f. Set tick mark to the course which you want to register. g. Please note you have to select all of the courses you want to register and finally click the register button which is located in the bottom right corner of the page. h. If your registration is completed successfully then the registered courses will be shown in the below grid as a registered course list. i. Finally click the button “Bill to PDF” to get your registration bill. j. If you need to get your transcript then please click the button “Transcript to PDF” k. For add/drop please look at the following instructions i. Click the button “Load courses” ii. Select the courses you want to add from the offered course list and then select the course list you want to drop from the registered course list. iii. Click on the register button to confirm your add/drop. Note: Add and Drop should be completed together. First, select the courses you want to add from the list and then select the courses that you want to drop; thereby an add/drop list will be created. Please note further that add/drop is allowed only ONCE. iv. Finally, to receive the billing statement of add/drop click the button “Bill to PDF”. 3. Bills and Transcript print:
a. If you