This chapter presents the literature and related studies which have direct bearing on this study. This Literature and Studies tackles about the learning of different people about reservations of the church services or we are called Liturgical Services.
Review of Related Foreign Literature
Online Reservation System Alleweldt, et. al (2009) stated that online reservation of liturgical services are increasing in importance and greatly facilitate cross border consumer activity and also helping the church to distinguish from different areas. The Internet has enabled churches to contract directly with a huge number of potential customers or people to baptized and large number of couples getting married. It has also revitalized the role of church management and to lead to a new way of reservation. A glance at the liturgical practice of contemporary Christian churches reveals a double concern. On the one side, it is as if we observed in the churches a contest for the preservation and renewal of liturgical life on the basis of its biblical and historical roots. On the other side, it is possible to observe an effort to respond to cultural and historical changes in such a way that in every one of its parts the divine service would address the human being in these changing times. According to Assumption Chicago, (2008) posited that their Church Management has been using new information technology since the 1997. The trend began in some Church in Chicago where Computer Reservation Systems (CRS’s) were installed. A number of stages were involved. The first stage was the conversion of in-house reservation systems to electronic systems. The second stage involved offering intermediaries like some discounts. Originally, airlines, bus companies in Chicago were the real owners of the CRS’s (Computer Reservation System). But the Group of IT implement that all business services in their area will