Online Security and Servers
Busn320, American Military University
Online Security and Servers The assignment for this week is two parts. The first part is to find and discuss three different ways an e-business can offer customer support in order to make their shopping experience more approachable. The second part is to explain why an owner would rent a server instead of buy one and to give an example of that situation. It is through both of these tasks that we will see ways to reinforce trust with the customer as the basis for getting them to support our company online.
In order for an e-business to be successful and to gain and hold its customers the company must build trust with them. In order to build and hold that trust there are many things the company can and should do. The first thing a company can do is to build and improve their communication with the customers through their website. Communication is desperately necessary to build trust with the customer.
According to Daniel Alves on (2011) he states, “By personally engaging a contact, you are more likely to turn that contact into a customer” (pg. 1, para. 3). This means that a company must communicate with the people in order to make them a customer. A company should try to be as personable as possible even though it is a website. Part of the communication understands how the customer thinks about websites. These ideas are simple such as the idea that people do not like to give out private information such as emails, addresses and credit card numbers.
The next way to gain and hold customers to the online business is to instill confidence in the website. A poorly constructed and performing website will turn prospective customers as well as existing customers away to others that are functional. Lyndon Cerejo (2011), states
References: Alves, D. (2011). 9 ways to improve Customer Communication on Your website. Mashable website. Retrieved from Cerejo, L. (2011). Improving the Online Shopping Experience, Part 1: Getting Customers to Your Products. Smashing Magazine. Retrrieved from Gufarotti, A. (2008). Leasing Versus Buying a Dedicated Server System. Retrieved from Unknown. (2009). Getting to 'Wow ': Consumers Describe What Makes a Great Shopping Experience. Retrieved from