Online Shopping Versus in Store
When one decides to make new purchases rather it is for a new television, birthday, or Christmas it must be decided how. Does the person go online or into a store to make this purchase? Making the decision to go into the store can be a normal form for others, while some very seldom make it out any more. Education on store shopping could change the mind of an individual. Even with all of the convenience of online shopping, in store shopping can be cheaper as well as boost the economy. If a person decides to make the purchases of an item online there are a few facts that should be realized. In the economy that today’s society is in savings is a big deal for most. When shopping online the shopper will be required to purchase their items with credit cards. Credit cards can be very convenient a shopper however, they come with payments and interest. When calculated out a shopper can look at 10 percent on purchases made. Knowing this and how long it can take to pay debt off may make a person think twice about the purchases that are made. On average 5,000 dollars will take 10 years to pay off. Once the shopper has ordered the items shipping will be estimated. One transaction online can cost a person an extra 10 dollars in shipping, followed by at least 10 dollars in a small purchase for interest on the credit card. The shopper also has the choice to go into the stores to make the purchases needed. These purchases can be made with a variety of payments including cash, gift cards as well as credit cards. Most people know how much they are willing to spend on an item and very seldom want to spend more. If a going into a store with cash you are ensured you will not spend more, or incur any hidden fees. When paying with cash it can be asked if a discount is available, a person would be pleasantly surprised at the savings offered. In store shopping offers other means of savings as well, coupons are a big tool that stores supply to have the public come
References: Comparison: Buying Online vs In A Store. (2011). Retrieved from
Customers may shop online while in store. (2011). Retrieved from
Kohl’s. (2011). Retrieved from