Brief introduction about the project
The Project Orientation System is Project which will be used to manage Projects of a company. Which will be then used to tell important information to the admin like the project entry date, deadline, its status and all relevant information.
The project is made with MVC (Model View Controller) structure. The User of the project will be the owner of the company. The user can:-
• Add new category
• Modify information about Category
• Delete an existing category
• Add new Member
• Edit member details
• Delete member/s
• Add new Project
• View Project Details
• Delete Existing Project/s
• View Completed Projects
• View Paused Projects
• View Tasks
The project will be developed using oops php concepts and some advanced methods like ajax, jquery, json, etc.
Technology Used:
PHP was conceived sometime in the fall of 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. Early non-released versions were used on his home page to keep track of who was looking at his online resume. The first version used by others was available sometime in early 1995 and was known as the Personal Home Page Tools. It consisted of a very simplistic parser engine that only understood a few special macros and a number of utilities that were in common use on home pages back then. A guest book, a counter and some other stuff. The parser was rewritten in mid-1995 and named PHP/FI Version 2. The FI came from another package Rasmus had written which interpreted html form data. He combined the Personal Home Page tools scripts with the Form Interpreter and added MYSQL support and PHP/FI was born. PHP/FI grew at an amazing pace and people started contributing code to it.
It is difficult to give any hard statistics, but it is estimated that by late 1996 PHP/FI was in use on at least 15,000 web sites around the world. By mid-1997 this number had grown to over 50,000. Mid-1997 also saw a change in the development of PHP. It changed from being Rasmus’s own pet