“Broadbanding” operational amplifier modules – replaced with discussion of uncompensated operational amplifiers.
Open loop applications and Comparators – Applications showing an operational amplifier used open loop, as a comparator have been deleted. At the time of original publication, there were no dedicated comparator components. Good design techniques now dictate using a comparator instead of an operational amplifier. There are ways of safely using an operational amplifier as a comparator – if the output stage is designed to be used that way as in a voltage limiting operational amplifier – or if clamping is added externally that prevents the output from saturating. These applications are shown.
Testing Operational Amplifiers – a section that had become hopelessly outdated. Testing techniques are now tailored to the individual amplifier, to test for parameters important to its intended purpose or target end equipment.
Some other application circuits were eliminated – if they were deemed impractical in the light of today’s technology.
This handbook has also been reorganized to eliminate some redundancy, and place all application circuits in one location.
The reader is cautioned that proper decoupling techniques should be followed with operational amplifiers. Decoupling components are omitted from applications schematics in this document for clarity. Consult reference 2 for proper decoupling techniques.
I also cleaned up grammatical and spelling mistakes in the original.
--- Bruce Carter, Texas Instruments Applications
(Excerpts from) Thomas Brown’s original Preface:
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a single source of information covering the proper design of circuits employing the versatile modem operational amplifier. This manual will be helpful to the experienced user of operational amplifiers, as well as the new user, in extending the range of potential