Contents Introduction 2 Discussion 3 Conclusion 11 References 12
The major issues or background of the essay is the need to review the franchisee code of conduct in Australia and verifying the amendments those took place in 2008 and 2010. The key points for this review are issues like questions of good faith in franchising, the various rights of franchisees at the end of their franchise agreements for example recognition for any contribution they have made to building the franchise, and the incorporation of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) with respect to enforcing the franchise code (O 'Connor, 2013). Additionally, nothing in this code limits any obligation imposed by the common law, applicable in a State or Territory, on the parties to a franchise agreement to act in good faith (section 23A).
This review also focuses on bringing another amendment to the Franchising Code in 2013 emphasizing on the participation in the franchising sector as a good indicator for Australia. Here, the main focused business is the small businesses.
Franchise means the rights and obligations under a franchise agreement; a master franchise; a sub franchise; and an interest in a franchise (Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, 2010). The Franchising Code of Conduct (Franchising Code) is a mandatory code that is prescribed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The purpose of this code is to regulate the conduct of participants in franchising towards other participants in franchising. Broadly speaking, it achieves this by requiring franchisors to disclose specific facts to franchisees and to follow set procedures in their dealings with franchisees. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) are responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Franchising Code. The Australian Government funded Office of the Franchising Mediation Adviser assists franchisors and
References: ustralian Government. (2013). Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from Australian Government: Franchising. (2013). Franchise in Australia. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from Inside Franchising : 'Connor, B. (2013). EXPERT TO REVIEW THE FRANCHISING CODE OF CONDUCT. Canbera: States News Service.Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing. (2010). Trade Practices (Industry Codes — Franchising) Regulations 1998. Canberra: Department of Attorney General, Australia.Which Franchise Australia. (2010). A Summary Guide to Franchise in Australia. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from Which Franchise Australia:, S., & Frazer, L. (2006). Australian Franchisor Websites: Moving Towards Networked Behavior. Journal of Theoritical and Applied Electronics , 52-64.Frazer, L. (2001).Why franchisors discontinue franchising but continue operating, International Small Business Journal, 32-41.Weaven, S., & Frazer, L. (1998). Current Status of Franchise in Australia,31-45. Weaven, S.; Grace, D. & Frazer, L. (2011).Taking care of business: Are franchise systems structured to promote conflict, Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, 41-48. Weaven, S.; Grace, A. & Frazer, L. (2009). Understanding the Dynamics of Conflict Within Business Franchise Systems. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 24-32. Frazer, L. (2003). Franchising’ in J McColl-Kennedy (ed), Services Marketing, Wiley, Brisbane.Frazer, L. (2002). Franchising in Australia: Growth and Consolidation. International Franchising in Industrialized Markets: North America, Pacific Rim, and Other Countries. |