Operation management is concerned with the bunch of activities that design and produces goods or services by the input-transformation-output process. (Slack 2001)
Operation management can also be defined as the process of transforming different resources or inputs (labour, capital, machinery, land and buildings, materials and information) that are used in the operational activities of an organisation to the output (value added product and services)for the customers in a controlled manner keeping the policies of the organisation in regards.
The hospitality and leisure industry embrace a broad category of sectors and businesses like lodging and restaurants, theme parks, sports and leisure and gaming, in addition, it also includes the travel industry. This industry is of several billions and relies on the accessibility of leisure time and disposable income. This industry works on the basis of customer confidence and business sentiment and is also going through mounting pressure for deliver innovation, quality and value. The division of hospitality industry such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consist of various groups such as facility maintenance, marketing, human resources and direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.) management.
All operations turn out value added goods and services via input transformation output by converting input (raw material, staff, finance, land and building etc) into the output (Goods and services). To provide customers with added value, the most important phase of ITO is transformational phase as the customer’s needs are considered in this phase.
In ITO model, a very crucial role is played by the transformational system as this concludes how good the firm produces and how well the value is added to products and services for satisfying the customers’ demands. To enhance the quality of the
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