In any industry the success of an organization is extremely dependent on its human resources. Although there are many other factors that play a key role, a company must have effective employees in order to stay financially solvent and competitive. In order to maintain this valuable commodity, organizations must be aware of employee training and development. Many companies make the mistake of assuming that employees are only seeking financial benefits for their jobs. This kind of assumption is wrong now. Employee wants a good career, a good organization. Proper training and development can not only build the employees career but also improve the organization growth. Another reason for employee training and development is that the organizations must have employees who are able to quickly adapt to an ever-changing world market. Companies need to invest in employee training and development in order to both keep employees and be successful.
1.1 Origin of the Report “An evaluation of Human Resource Training and Development at Corporate Branch of Concord Group”- This is the report topic undertaken for MBA internship. The report was orally approved on November 24, 2005 by the HRM Internship course supervisor Major Md. Danesh Bin Wali, MIST. Also this topic was authorized verbally by the Hasanul Islam, Manager- HRD of Concord group of Companies. And the final internship report is submitted on January 19, 2006.
1.2 Background of the Problem Statement
The organization “Concord group” has newly developed its human resource department. It has been functioning for four months and in embryonic stage. But Concord Group of Company’s HRD department was decorated and totally separated from other department on November 19, 2005 at the tenth floor of the corporate building of concord centre, 43 North Commercial Area, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. While
Bibliography: William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, 6th Edition, New York, USA, Harcourt College Publisher, 2000. Harper W. Boyd and Others, Marketing Research Text and Cases, 7th Edition, Delhi, India, A.I.T.B.S Publishers, 1999. Levin & Rubin, 1999, Statistics for Management, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Concord Company web pages access November 30, 2005. LMT 2300 hrs. [1] Dobbs, K. (2000, April). Tires Plus takes the training high road. Training, 37 (4), 56-63 [2] Kirkpatrick, D [3] Community, Retrieved September10, 2002 from http://www.astd.org -----------------------