I. Planning
For the first time, in the toolbar planning we set our budget $ 500 in account team/ individual recognition in order to improve team or individuals productivity by give reward to the entire team or specific individuals on team (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1
Then, choose toolbar resouce to ploting team member, like figure 1-2 bellow: Figure 1-2
II. Staffing
We recuit our new team member, Sally Nicoles and Adam Herrez in this work week 1. So, they will be arrive in two weeks latter so they can start their task in week 3 . Then, we make priority for existing team member, David Lewis. We give him priority 1 for task 1 and priority 2 for task 2.
III. Result
Email come from CeO (figure 1-3): figure 1-3
We choose response number 1, because we still confident with our team capability.
Then, another email comefrom David Lewis (Figure 1-4): Figure 1-4
We think, better to hold the meeting because we want to make sure that all departement can join this meeting.
From Work Week 1, we accept this result (Figure 1-5): Figure 1-5
This is show us that Earned Value is bellow the expectation. So, we think the worker need recognition to motivated him. Figure 1-6
Actually from bar chart (Figure 1-6), we can see that in the week 1 for Task 1. System Design, David Lewis is still on the track. But, in order to improve his productivity then we set him to do overtime work for the work week 2.
From toolbar quality (Figure 1-7), we can see that defect is still bellow the yellow limit so we justified that condition show that the quality of the product is still appropriate with the standar of product. Figure 1-7
I. Staffing
In this session, for David Lewis we set priority 1 for task 1 and priority 2 for task 2 and overtime work for 15 hours, like figure 2-1 bellow:
Figure 2-1
II. Time/ Individual Recognition
In order to motivated the worker, we give him cash $ 100 Figure 2-2 bellow: