Introduction to operations management
Learning outcomes
After reading this chapter you will be able to: ➜ Define what is meant by operations management ➜ Understand the nature of operations within an organization ➜ Explain what an operations manager does and the role he/she plays in an organization ➜ Discuss the similarities and differences between the manufacturing and service sectors of the economy ➜ Explain the similarities and differences between customer processing operations, materials processing operations, and information processing operations
AgustaWestland—getting into operations
Stuart is 23 years old and has three years of operations management experience. Whilst studying for a business management degree, he undertook a professional training placement for a year. It was spent working for AgustaWestland (AW), the aerospace engineering company that manufactures helicopters in Somerset. On graduating, Stuart returned to work in operations for them—as a graduate management trainee. As their graduate employment brochure explains, AW takes on a number of graduates each year. As well as the two-year graduate programme, there are a number of other training and development opportunities, including the AW personal development programme ‘Leading Edge’, and the Finmeccanica Learning Induction Programme (FLIP) which encourages interaction with graduates across the Finmeccanica Group (AW’s parent company). With over 230 trainees, from apprentices to graduates, the company also creates a social network through regular organized events to integrate newcomers. line managed by the Training Department and then seconded to production departments for a period of time. During my year out, I had six months in two very different areas. The first of these was in the production of aircraft and the second was in a process improvement team in customer support. The first role involved long-term production planning and scheduling of different
References: Interbrand (2010) Best Global Brands 2010, Interbrand Report Langeard, E., Bateson, J., Lovelock, C., and Eiglier, P. (1981) Marketing of Services: New Insights from Consumers and Managers, Report No. 81–104, Marketing Sciences Institute, Cambridge Naisbitt, J. (1987) Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, Warner Books: New York Sasser, W.E., Wyckoff, D.D., and Olsen, M. (1978) The Management of Service Operations, Free Press: Boston, MA Wilson, B. (1990) Systems: concepts, methodologies, and applications (2nd ed.), John Wiley: New York 30 Understanding operations management