To: Barbara Thomas, Hiring Manager
From: Tracy Jones, Bookkeeping Manager
Date: November 26, 2012
Re: Operational Gap-Exceptions Overdraft Analyst
This memorandum is to inform the hiring manager of Seaway Bank of an operational gap that needs to be fulfilled immediately within the Bookkeeping Department. As you know Seaway Bank has a reputation for loyalty not only to our customers, but to our employees as well. We also have a reputation that ensures that we provide quality service and our management team will continue to make sure that we earn the loyalty from our customers. The Bookkeeping department runs smoothly and efficient which allows us to make sure the customers’ accounts are accurate at all times and in good standing.
Position Details
Make decisions to pay or return checks/Ach debits that caused an account to become overdrawn. Return unpaid checks to the Federal Reserve Bank and clearinghouse. Decisions are processed on-line via the PC based Exceptions Desktop System. Also process returns to Federal Reserve and clearinghouse, checks from Non-post and Return Analyst.
Duties and Responsibilities 1. Extracts daily overdraft detail from the system and logs number of overdrawn accounts and dollar amount of pending transactions to the Daily Overdraft Tracking Log. 2. Telephone customers from the Overdraft Call List to inform them of their overdraft status and confirm deposit arrangements. Telephone bank officers to report overdraft status of accounts requiring special handling. 3. Verify overdraft notices printed from previous day’s decisions and prepare them to be mailed. 4. Call Bank of First Deposit to notify them of large item returns (checks $2,500.00 & over). 5. Apply on line overdraft decisions by posting or waiving overdraft fees and generate overdraft notices to customers in regards to processing decisions. Communicate to supervisor excessive overdraft conditions, large items returns and suspicious activity. 6. Locates checks that are being returned to the Federal Reserve or Clearinghouse. 7. Balances return item in the Exception system prior to updating final decisions to the data center. 8. Sort checks as follows: Federal Reserve Bank, Clearinghouse and On-US chargebacks. Run an adding machine tape for each. 9. Stamp checks with appropriate return reason. 10. Prepare return envelopes/balancing sheet 11. Answer telephones, respond to customer account inquires, process stop payments, and obtain statements for customers. 12. Perform other duties as assigned.
To be able to work in a fast passed environment, complete all compliance by due date, provide excellent customer service, and be able to multi-task.
High School Diploma or GED equivalent
Organizations Strategic Goals
Seaway Bank strategic plan is to continue to open new branches and obtain new customers. We would like to ensure the growth and stability of the company, and with our new Exceptions Overdraft Analyst we are sure to be on the right track. “Our plan includes benchmarks for meeting goals that our management will monitor in the coming years. In the short term, we will make sure our loan portfolio is viable and healthy. In the long term, we look to new opportunities to serve communities that have been underserved in the past. Our mission to be a good community bank remains unchanged. We will continue to meet the deposit and credit needs if those in our communities with passion and integrity. This has always been core to our mission and it continues to be the heart of our strategic plan for the coming era” (seaway annual report, 2011. p. 3).
Tracy Jones
Bookkeeping Manager
Seaway Bancshares, Inc. (2011). Seaway 2011 Annual Report.-A solid Past and A New Era. Retrieved from