Operations Management
Project Due Date: May 2nd 2011
Table of contents
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Company Information ............................................................................................................ 2
Purpose of the Project ............................................................................................................ 2
Operations Analysis ................................................................................................................... 2
Market priorities, Major Trade-offs, Order Qualifier, Order winner ..................................... 2
Identify the key processes on which the service depends and create an “activity-system map” to show the way activities and strategies are interconnected ....................................... 3
“Facility based” or “Field based”? Draw conclusions ........................................................... 4
Position on the Service Matrix, draw working conclusions ................................................... 5
Comment on the service approach used. Is it the appropriate? Which are its advantages and disadvantages? Does the overall design support the service approach or not? .............. 5
Could the Fairy nails service system be characterized as a “Lean System”? Is the concept of Just-In-Time applicable here? In what sense is it? ........................................................... 6
Blueprint of the Fairy nails operation and identification of any existing or needed defect preventing (poka-yokes) and defect correcting mechanisms. Think in terms of the task, the customer and the environment
References: Differentiation in marketing - Unique selling points and differentiated positions. (n.d.). Global B2B Market Research - B2B International. Retrieved April 29, 2011, from http://www.b2binternational.com/publications/white-papers/differentiation/ FAIRYNAILS Beauty Products and Services S.A. (n.d.). FAIRYNAILS-HOME PAGE. FAIRYNAILS. Retrieved April 29, 2011, from http://www.fairynails.gr/en/profile.htm Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., & Aquilano, N. J. (20092008). Operations and supply management (12th ed., international student ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGrawHill/Irwin. Murdick, R. G., Render, B., & Russell, R. S. (1990). Service operations management. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.