Student: Vanessa Sears
Student ID: U1176604
Assignment Title:
Operations Management Defined and in Context
Operations Management has evolved over many years and is now considered a critical function in any business, as supported by J.R Meredith, “operations is critical to success in today’s economy” ( P35, Meredith 1992). Businesses need to have faster production, cheaper prices, better quality products and fast delivery to be competitive. How an operations manager manages the production of goods or services effects how competitive the offering and how successful the business will then go on to be. In this assignment I am going to use Nestle and Heathrow airport as examples of a service or manufacturing industry and aim to compare and contrast in their strategies and processes.
Operations Management is all about producing goods or services whilst meeting the set objectives of the business and external responsibilities. Whether it is a service or good that is being produced a model similar to this one can be applied (Slack 2012 p1) It shows the flow of the operational process.
Planning & control Customers
The operation’s competitive role
& position
The operation’s
Strategic objectives
Products & services Input resources Input transformed Resources
Today’s market place for both business to business and Business to consumers is more demanding than ever before, people and businesses want more for their money and requires operations to have clear competitive strategy within critical key performance indicators across all departments, these are broadly associated with efficiency and effectiveness, according to Meredith (p41 , Meredith 1992), he also goes on to narrow these down to be more precise into 6 areas of critical
References: Steve Brown et al, Strategic operations management, Second edition, 2004 Meredith, The management of Operations, Fourth edition 1992 Alan Muhlemann et al, Production and operations management, 1992 Nigel Slack et al, Operations Management Sixth edition 2010 Steve Brown et al, Strategic operations management, Second edition, 2004 Meredith, The management of Operations, Fourth edition 1992 Alan Muhlemann et al, Production and operations management, 1992 Nigel Slack et al, Operations Management Sixth edition 2010