DMI 201
Journal Entry 4
Based on the SOME model, my for profit company, OPI, shares well. They have daily posts that ask users to comment on pictures their favorite shade of their nail polish. They also share users’ pictures when they use their specified hashtags on Instagram. They also share their products on all three social media sites. I suggest that they don’t post all the same things on each of the social media outlets, or if they do, they should spread it out in a timely way. OPI also optimizes well. They listen to the feedback customers have about their products. They share pictures of people using their product in positive way. They also interact with their consumers if they have a problem with the product, however that seems to be most of their interaction between them. I would suggest they comment on the pictures people post or comment back if the consumer has a good review on the product. The company should interact more with consumers aside from the product issues. The company does manage their sites at a fast pace. On Twitter, they reply back to anyone who tweets them almost instantly. That cannot be said from the other two sites I chose. On Facebook, they don’t reply to anyone in the comments nor do they do it on Instagram.
This company also engages well. They use various other social media sites such as YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google Plus. Although the sites that I listed are not as popular as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. It seems like they do most of their engaging on Instagram. They post several times a day, however, they do not converse with their users as much as they would on Twitter.
For my nonprofit company, they seem to be more on the lacking side. However, they do a good job of optimizing social issues and bringing them to their followers via social media. They keep up with current ones as well as ones that have become recently popular in the news.
The company could improve their sharing a lot more. They do