Question 1
Voice Packet Delay Variation * UBR performance fluctuates dramatically, the delay goes very high at first and then goes down. However the packet delay in CBR class which represented by the blue line goes very stable and very close to zero. The delay in CBR class is almost to zero which reflects its effectiveness on real-time applications such as voice.
Voice Packet Delay End-to-End * The End-to-End delay of UBR is slightly lower than CBR. As the network grows, UBR provides acceptable delay without tightly constrained on resources, it changes with respect of voice traffic. * Anomalies: In voice traffic, the delay should be kept constantly minimum as opposed in the result shown above.
Email Download Response Time * From the graph, CBR provides faster response time in email downloading compared to UBR which has lower response time. * Anomalies: In real time application, UBR better suits for email application as it does not require tightly constrained delay as opposed in result shown above.
FTP Download Response Time * Graph above shows that CBR has relatively faster response time over UBR in FTP application. Even CBR response time hikes initially but come down gradually compared with UBR which has faster response time at initial but hiked gradually towards the end of transmission. * Anomalies: In real life application, UBR better fits FTP application as the delay is at acceptable rate and does not even require to be in constant rate of transmission.
Question 2
Email Download Response Time & FTP Download Response Time * Graph above shows both applications are well suited in ABR (green line) class of service as they do not require tightly constrained resources compared to CBR (blue line) which has higher response time in both applications. Even initially CBR has faster response time, but over time it nearly matches ABR response time.