I believe that I’m on a reasonable path to continuously contribute to the common good for the rest of my life. Currently, my biggest contribution to the common good stems from my now two year participation in UGA’s Air Force ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps). From the beginning of this program I was taught that in order to train to be a great officer in the United States Air Force I must adopt three core values and commit my life to fervently applying them. These three core values are integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we …show more content…
For example, if my friends believe they should sign a petition in order for UGA to offer even more scholarships then I would probably sign the petition and do my best to spread the word as this contributes the welfare of the community around me. Finally, I believe that religion can truly be used as a power for good and therefore I would encourage anyone I know to fall to the foundation of their faith if they are trying to figure out a way to contribute to the common good. Ultimately, I plan to continue my current acts and to further explore fulfilling my Dharma as a means to contribute to the common good and to combat pain and