December 15th, 2012
Professor O’Sullivan
Word Count: 1,241
As I sat in the hospital waiting room all I could think about was Jess. Everything was a blur. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes turn into hours. Two songs played over and over on my iPod, “Wind Beneath my Wings,” by Bette Midler and “Ten Thousand Angels,” by Lynn Cooper.
As the lyrics played, tears flowed down my bright red cheeks. Jess was always content with letting me shine and being the center of attention. She was always there for me. I remember the good and the challenging times we had together. Growing up we were like twins we shared a special bond. Jess is my hero and everything I want to be. She has helped me become the person I am today. Every day I thank god for my sister. As the lyrics continued to play I could relate to this heart rendering experience. As I sat nervously in the cold and abandoned waiting room I prayer for Jess to have a second chance at over coming this life threating obstacle. There was nothing I could do now; she was in the hands of her doctors on that eerie cold operating table. All I could think about was if she was going to die. Thoughts rushed through my head like a jet stream. What if she dies? What did she do to deserve this? Why not me?
Slowly the questions faded from my mind, and I tried to make peace with my current situation. I started reminiscing. My memories shuffled in my head… and boom, it was the week of Jess’s first prom. I remember it so vividly. Jess was on cloud nine. Everything was so perfect. A star athlete, Honor Roll student, great leader, vice president of her class, and she even had college recruits looking at her. The most astonishing part of it all was she was only sixteen and a sophomore in high school. She bought the perfect prom dress. It was so elegant- strapless, blush pink gown with silver sequence along the bust. All her appointments were made. Hair, nails, and even against her prior morals, a