As I commenced upon this journey, I crossed paths with an optometrist, Dr. Dewey Handy. He carries himself with great dignity and genuinely expresses his love for vision by serving his community with his private practice in Jackson, Mississippi. His diligence and work ethic with patients influenced my decision to become an optometrist. As a minority who contributes to saving lives with the sense of sight, I feel empowered to achieve the goals I have set for my future.
To get a glimpse of the optometry world, I set out to gain clinical exposure in a commercial and group practice in Jackson, Mississippi and Birmingham, Alabama. I was given the opportunity by …show more content…
Throughout my academic experience, I have had the support of wonderful friends and family. One important family member whose personal experience influenced my decision to become an optometrist is my mother. She offered her all to ensure that my siblings and I had the best upbringing possible. When faced with the choice of either continuing college or devoting herself full-time to her children, my mother chose us and entrusted her dream to our hands. By becoming an optometrist, I will be the first generation of doctors in my family. Although the road to achieving my dream will not be easy, I am blessed to have friends and family who have had an eagle’s eye view into my future and will help guide me through this