Source of the patient referral
Patient was referred to me from the dentist.
Medical problem
Presented was a 62 year old female, patient is an asthmatic and has bronchitis.
Social circumstances
She previously smoked 70 per week, but has since cut this down to 3 per day, due to cost and health issues The patient doesn’t drink alcohol. The patient has a relatively healthy diet.
Patients presenting problem
The patient has a four unit bridge on her upper anteriors, she has ten missing teeth and others which are heavily filled. The patient requires no other treatment other than three visit perio appointments with the therapist, she will see me for brushing and flossing advice.
Contact with other disciplines
Before seeing the patient I contacted Corsodyl by letter asking them if they could help me with any aspect of this case study. They forwarded me various leaflets including “ How to care for your mouth . ”
Adult dental health surveys are carried out every 10 years, the 1998 survey was provide information on the condition of adults teeth and oral health in the UK and four constituents countries. The survey was based on adults aged 16 years and over.
As part of the dental examination the condition of the gums was assessed in order to measure the prevalence of periodontal disease. The presence of visible plaque and calculus was also recorded, which are indicators of oral cleanliness and which are related with the progression of periodontal disease. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of dentate adults had some visible plaque on their teeth. Seventy three percent of dentate adults had some calculus and on average 23% of teeth had some calculus