Overall, I was real satisfied with the presentation I gave because I felt real confident in myself and I was ready to speak in front of the audience.…
And finally, I was assessed on how well I displayed myself in front of a live audience (i.e. classmates), I was expected to create a slide related to I.T then present that slide using all the improvements I picked up from the previous task. During the presentation, I made sure that there was solid message going across to the audience and I kept engaging the audience, by asking questions and allowing the audience to ask questions if they are unsure about a certain…
The one sub-category of this section that I felt that Javier could’ve executed better was the appearance of being prepare. I’m not trying to say that he did know the material but when he’s presenting a speech in front of the audience and reading his out-line can really make the audience feel like he wasn’t prepare or intersected in the audience at all. After observing this, I decided to give a three in the sub-category of the section because maintaining eye contact with the audience as much as possible let’s the audience know that you appreciate their attend and therefore, keeps the audience interacting. What I recommend is to next time try to not use the out-line so much and only use it to keep you on track and to read off any direct quotes you may have. Try to have an ideal or mental picture in your head of how your out-line looks like so you kind of have memorizes your main points and can talk about them without reading your out-line word for word. Overall, Javier did a outstanding job with the rest of the sub-categories in this section like meeting all of the requirements of the assignment and adapting the speech to fit the audience.…
Is that they produce female eggs cell as needed and they are called ova or…
The presentation went well .I believe I presented myself well, my audience was captivated, and my case was strong, however I did not put the time to deliver the presentation in the required time. In the future I wish to be more assertive in my approach be brief and to the…
On an ordinary day when we would see a cockroach or a small insect walking across the kitchen floor, the first and only thing that would flash into our mind is to get our hands on an insecticide and kill that blameless insect. From these little innocent insects in our homes we have moved to killing cows, pigs and turkeys to fulfil our dinner plates because we specifically farm them for food, therefore cause no change to the environment. What more do we now desire? What more do we human beings now desire? Last but definitely not lucky; the abundance killing of apex predators of the marine, SHARKS, not for food but for the threat they pose to us. We all know that we do not farm sharks for any means than why cull them and completely abolish the very few numbers left of them?…
The opinion I had of my presentation before I watched my video was much different from the opinion afterwards. I thought I was nervous, legs shaking, and speaking in a tense tone. However, after watching I realized I was much more relaxed, speaking clear and professionally and that my level of professionalism was much more then I expected. I was able to continuously move around while speaking in a confident manner. Although my introduction was clearly stated in a manor that I believe captured the audience and intrigued them to learn more; I stumbled on a few words rushing through points I would have liked to expand on. Secondly, I believe I was speaking at a fast past and didn’t take the chance to add some delay between topics. I believe this was caused by my nervousness and I used my continuation of words to provide comfort in the opening slides. This bad habit continued throughout my entire presentation. Overall decreasing my level of professionalism. Although these flaws may have occurred, I believe I battled through these nerves and was able to talk in a clear voice. In my opinion, I believe I was able to do this because I knew the ins and outs of my material. I knew my material because I took the time to practice. I believe practice is the key to success. Therefore, I would assess my performance as strong, since it conveyed my topic in an informative and professional way.…
To evaluate my work I use the tools in the CWE, The Grammar and Writing guide that is there to help me develop my writing and communication skills. Also the Plagiarism paper checker to verify whether my sources are correct and I have not copied someone else idea. There are labs that you can access to help you with your sources if you’re struggling on a particular assignment and live services that you can attend via the WebEx and teleconference for about an hour. You have to commit yourself to doing the research and then utilize the tools within the library to assist you in determining the relevancy of your sources, by associating the main idea of your source to the main idea of your paper. The plagiarism checker is a great tool to use in determining the text of your paper has not been copied or structured in a way that reflects another person idea. To determine whether or not your source is reliable depends in part on two key factors, the author and his/her credibility in their field. Credible authors will cite their sources so you can check the accuracy of what they have written and how they support their viewpoint. Also, are their views of a neutral nature, and in agreement with your subject, and do they coincide with your topic and main idea? Using the internet as a source can be tricky because it is difficult to determine who the author is, anyone can submit or change the content. Keeping to peer reviewed text is the most reliable, because they undergo a strict evaluation process. The library and its sources has been a useful guide for me in my recent assignments and no doubt in future tasks. The checks and balances that it provides can and will assist you in submitting a quality paper and hopefully giving you an A paper. It is important to remember the effort and work you put in to writing a quality paper benefits you in the long run and strengthens your…
I feel like I did good presenting and felt like I could've done better looking at the audience and having eye contact. I also felt like I could've spoken louder. I also felt like I wasn't presenting up to my full potential. I also feel like I wasn't presenting that good because I was in the way if my board when I was presenting. I feel like I did a bit poorly in my board I feel like I could've added more designs to my board and add more color to my board.…
A big portion of my life I was a very secluded and quiet kid from middle school into freshman year of college. Being put in a class where all your assignments, quizzes, and tests were all based on your ability to speak to others sounded like a nightmare to me. Lesson after lesson I learned how to avoid plagiarism, the multiple parts of a speech, and even how to avoid speech anxiety. When it was my designated day to speak, even with all the information taught, it was the worst speech given that day due to how timid I was talking. As the days went hearing other people give their first speech helped me to understand something, that I was not alone. There were others in the class that were as bad or worse than I was at delivering speeches. After the initial speech my confidence for myself grew as I prepared for the speeches throughout the…
My whole life, public speaking has daunted me. When I am forced to present in front of a class, I do not feel nervous until I am at the podium facing thirty other students. Even though I am confident in what I am saying, my body and words prefer to shake. I have tried to improve my speaking abilities but have not had much success. It wasn’t until I decided to really challenge myself that I found…
Then there’s the speaking side of your public speech, the part where you spend the night before printing cue cards, rehearsing it around the house, you then get to your big day you feel prepared you’ve rehearsed you have even brought your cue cards to school. Then there’s your big moment and you forget everything you have rehearsed, you just had last year’s public speaking champion speak before you. The butterflies in your stomach are going mad. You start reading your speech, you start stuttering so much that you keep your head down and start reading off your cue cards which are really just your speech cut up into several pieces. You finish your speech and wait for your feedback and all you get is C.…
My advice to anyone giving a speech is to stick to the subject and be passionate about what you talk about. Make sure you have plenty of facts as we as personal stories to back your speech up. Relax, breathe and don’t’ talk too fast. People want to know what you are saying and why you are saying it. Make the speech fun yet informing so that the audience doesn’t have time even to think about nodding off. Start strong and end strong, so the audience knows that you’re still just as…
He could have just said "Eighty-seven years ago…." But "Four score and seven" has a nice…
Public speaking is an area I feared for several years. My biggest drawback when it comes to public speaking is my lack of confidence. The session helped me realize that it is okay to be nervous, actually it is extremely common. Lacking confidence is something I struggle with regarding leadership as well. I now am aware that confidence can be improved both with public speaking and everyday living. I will take the information I learned about gaining confidence in public speaking and apply it to my…