After Piper insults Reds cooking, Red retaliates. The next day, during breakfast, one of the inmates pauses serving when she sees Piper. “Chapman. Are you Chapman?” (Episode 1). Timidly Piper confirms that she is indeed “Chapman”. The inmate serving food reaches down and comes back with a tray. On the tray is what appears to be an English muffin wrapped in tinfoil. Excited Piper unwraps the foil. However, Piper comes to realize that her English Muffin is, a “Egg McTampon” (Episode …show more content…
On Sunday, the inmates share the chapel for different religious services. One of the inmates tries to hang a cross she made from a pipe. Sophia, tries to warn her that it’s “Not a load bearing pipe” but the inmate tries to hang it anyway (Episode 5). When the pipe crashes along with part of the ceiling, the inmate blames it on Sophia, claiming that Sophia is “an abomination to God” (Episode 5). Here we see bullying, but more used with an “I’m better than you” mentality. The inmate in this scene blames the accident on Sophia because she feels that Sophia is of lesser value, and she does not want to admit that she was