Ellen DeGeneres – “Tulane University Commencement Speech” I chose the option of Ellen DeGeneres’ Commencement Speech to Tulane University in 2009 because I do not know a whole lot about her and felt I could have an advantage on writing about based on not being bias. I am very satisfied with doing so and watching/listening to her speech because the facts and topics she spoke of. The words she spoke really touched me and I was able to discover things about her that I had no knowledge of and gain something. Here, I will dissect the aspects of the speech like the type of speech this is, the purpose of the speech, intended audience, and context of speech or what was happening historically and culturally during DeGeneres’ speech. Interesting, I do not believe this specific speech has a solitary “type.” I think Ellen DeGeneres’ Commencement Speech is both informative; a speech to inform is to provide information the audience does not already have (Werman). Also I think it was meant to be entertaining at the same time. Even though Ellen is a well-known celebrity, she gives us a basis for her ideals as a young women as she talk about her trials, struggles, success of her younger years as part of her career. She tell the graduating class of 2009 how she was excited to speak at the Graduation as the opening “act,” one, because she is from New Orleans, which I had no knowledge of, and because she had no idea what “commencement” even meant, which enables us to see immediately her witty and humorous side. Secondly, she informs the audience that she never went to college and that generates immediate interest in her life and background, at least for me because of the irony that she is speaking in front of what is probably thousands with an “education” in which she does not have. As the speech goes on she keeps us laughing with comments like, “… because I can’t think of more tenacious more courageous graduating class, I mean, look at all of you
Cited: Werman, Doris. "The Informative Speech." The Informative Speech. N.p., Oct. 2004. Web. 26 July 2013. . Ellen DeGeneres at Tulane 's 2009 Commencement Speech. Perf. Ellen DeGeneres.YouTube. YouTube, 18 May 2009. Web. 26 July 2013. .