HUM14 (1:30pm-3:00pm)
TERM PAPER Philosophers can give a great contribution to society. They can influence people’s lives like how they act then and now. They contribute their ideas and motives to people. They can influence behavior and attitude to society. Philosophers for me are important people they give and talk about their ideas, it’s like they are professors and society is the students.
I chose John Locke (1632 - 1704), He is an English philosopher. He contributed Age of reason. It saw a continuation of the move away from theology and faith-based arguments, and marks the shaking off of medieval approaches to philosophy such as Scholasticism, in preference for more unified philosophical systems like Rationalism and British Empiricism. The advances in science, the growth of religious tolerance and the rise of philosophical liberalism also led to a revival in Political Philosophy in general. Along with the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th Century, which the Age of Reason gave rise to, it is also known as the Early Modern period.
He also contributed early Age of Enlightenment. It is an intellectual movement, developed mainly in France, Britain and Germany, which advocated freedom, democracy and reason as the primary values of society. It started from the standpoint that men's minds should be freed from ignorance, from superstition and from the arbitrary powers of the State, in order to allow mankind to achieve progress and perfection. The period was marked by a further decline in the influence of the church, governmental consolidation and greater rights for the common people. Politically, it was a time of revolutions and turmoil and of the overturning of established traditions. The major philosophical movements of the period include British Empiricism, Rationalism and Kantianism. It also saw an increasing focus on Political Philosophy. It was essentially a continuation of the process of rationalization begun in the Age of