Aug – Nov 2012
Lectures and Labs:
Wed 10-12 Davis Building 2045
Instructors: Dr. Tracy Rogers 400 Terrence Donnelly Health Science Complex 905 828-5449 Office hours by appointment
Teaching Assistants (TAs):
Joel Cahn, Emily Holland, Hannah Pryce
Course Description:
Forensic anthropology involves locating, documenting, excavating, recovering, and analyzing human skeletal remains in a medico-legal context. This course covers the field components of forensic anthropology, from planning a search for someone presumed dead to excavating a clandestine grave.
Required Prerequisite Courses:
Prerequisite ANT 205
Assessment and Grading Policies:
Marking Scheme:
|Assignment / Test |Due Date |(% of final mark) |
|Search plan & inventory |Aug 23 |10% (each 5%) |
|(group assignment) | | |
|Test |Aug 27 |10% |
|Case book |Sept 26 |15% |
|(group assignment) | | |
|GIS/Google Earth (individual assignment) |Oct 31 |10% |
|Plan view and sketch map |Nov 7 |5% |
|(group and individual) | | |
|Google Earth tour