A hot summer afternoon, it is the 3rd of July. The First Continental Congress is sitting in Philadelphia. All the men are wearing the traditional elizabethan garb, wool from head to toe. The men are debating wether or not to declare independence from Great Britain. The side that wanted to be independent had just said their closing arguments, and President of the Congress John Hancock was getting rather hot. He truncated the debate and made the delegates vote then. The pro-freedom side won handily (Glencoe). Without that need to get out of this sweat dripping clothes, we may have never found out that all men are created equal, the U.S.A may have never been the U.S.A. at all, we might still be speaking the queens english if not for Hancock’s heavy clothes
A hot summer afternoon, it is the 3rd of July. The First Continental Congress is sitting in Philadelphia. All the men are wearing the traditional elizabethan garb, wool from head to toe. The men are debating wether or not to declare independence from Great Britain. The side that wanted to be independent had just said their closing arguments, and President of the Congress John Hancock was getting rather hot. He truncated the debate and made the delegates vote then. The pro-freedom side won handily (Glencoe). Without that need to get out of this sweat dripping clothes, we may have never found out that all men are created equal, the U.S.A may have never been the U.S.A. at all, we might still be speaking the queens english if not for Hancock’s heavy clothes