Initially I was very much reluctant to take that class due to the subject bad stigma. I realize organic chemistry is honestly a puzzle. You have your starting material, which is your initial jigsaw piece , and you add reactants, which are more jigsaw puzzle pieces, in order to create the picture that you want. Although certain pieces only fit with certain pieces, it somehow all made sense. I remember staying up doing homework and when I least expected it, it was 4am. Like my parents, I pursuit my knowledge outside of the classroom by reading more into the subject, watching videos, and joining a research group. Through my courses and my own experience, I learn that organic chemistry surrounds us and is one of the most applicable fields. You learn interesting facts like the deadly meth shares the same structure as cough syrup only difference is the placement of atoms; they are enatomers of each other. Organic chemistry create plentiful necessities like medications and other inventions. For instant,The breath analyzer that detects drunk drivers uses the reaction of alcohol with chromium to form carbonyl
Initially I was very much reluctant to take that class due to the subject bad stigma. I realize organic chemistry is honestly a puzzle. You have your starting material, which is your initial jigsaw piece , and you add reactants, which are more jigsaw puzzle pieces, in order to create the picture that you want. Although certain pieces only fit with certain pieces, it somehow all made sense. I remember staying up doing homework and when I least expected it, it was 4am. Like my parents, I pursuit my knowledge outside of the classroom by reading more into the subject, watching videos, and joining a research group. Through my courses and my own experience, I learn that organic chemistry surrounds us and is one of the most applicable fields. You learn interesting facts like the deadly meth shares the same structure as cough syrup only difference is the placement of atoms; they are enatomers of each other. Organic chemistry create plentiful necessities like medications and other inventions. For instant,The breath analyzer that detects drunk drivers uses the reaction of alcohol with chromium to form carbonyl