- Russian organic market continues to grow, which is indicated by the recent statistics compared from 2011 to 2012 that reached $148 million in 2012. A 7.8% growth was indicated since 2011.
- The lack of Russian certification system seems to pose a challenge on the expansion of organic food demand in Russia.
- In 2015, Russian organic food is expected to boom significantly in the future due to the law that is going to be enforced by obtaining the certification form by a third party country such as the United States of America or European Union.
- The use of a third party to import organic food in Russian soil endures a higher cost, which increases the price of organic products.
- In 2012, Russian government and industry collaborated on an outline law on the production of organic food products by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.
- In terms of cultural obstacles, Russians do not trust local system certification due to the lack of information on correct ingredients in organic food products. 60% of Moscow Supermarkets customers are willing to pay more money for products that contain some kind of special organic signs on the products to ensure the quality of organic food with precise ingredients.
- The obstacles analyzed for developing exceptional organic products in Russia is the lack of government knowledge of organic product development. The solution identified for this problem is providing knowledge to Russian customers on the structure of producing organic food, which is expected to increase the demand rapidly for consumers of organic food in Russia.
Legislation Sanitary requirements for organic food production came into force in July 2008, issued by Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian consumer safety regulatory and monitoring body. However, there were no clear rules for the labeling of organic products and no official certification system or certifying agency. As a