Firstly, organic food is known to have a shorter shelf life than conventionally grown produce. Why is this? Well it is like this because the organic food business isn’t as big as conventional agriculture. Therefore it takes a lot longer to get from the farm to the market, this leads to you getting home with your organic produce and having it spoil the very next day. Organic food doesn’t have the chemicals that conventionally grown produce has to keep it fresh for much longer.
Secondly, the methods used to grow organic food require a lot more TLC (Tender Loving Care). It needs to be tended to in order for it to grow. It is harder to grow it so you see less of it on the shelves at the supermarket. Conventionally grown produce has chemicals that help it grow and that keep the pests away. Organic food doesn’t get this kind of treatment, this means that the pests can get to the produce because they won’t be poisoned by the pesticides. However, this is not the case when growing poultry. Poultry does not necessarily need any chemicals at all to keep it growing, it is just that the use of chemicals make the animals grow a lot faster.
Thirdly, organic food is said to have many nutritional benefits, but are there really as much benefits as they say there are. Many official studies have found none or little