
Organisational Behaviour

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Organisational Behaviour
Part 1: Introduction of the selected Organization
Judicial Service Commission (JSC) is an independence and impartial institution which is formed according to the Constitution of Republic of Maldives Article 157. The Judicial Service Commission consists of 10 members. It is an independent legal entity with a separate seal, possessing the power to sue and sued against and makes undertakings in its own capacity. Its duties and responsibilities are fulfilled with the help of the administrative staffs of the Judicial Service Commission. In this Report I will be outlining this organization in accordance to its administrative role in fulfilling its mission and vision according to the Constitution of Republic of Maldives Article 157 and Judicial Service Commission Act (Act No. 10/2008).
The objectives of Judicial Service Commission are to achieve targets and goals entrusted powers and responsibilities stipulated in the Constitution, and Judicial Service Commission Act. According to the Constitution, the Judicial Service Commission is entrusted with the responsibility and power:
• To appoint, promote and transfer Judges other than the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court, and to make recommendations to the President on the appointment of the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court
• To investigate complaints about the Judiciary, and to take disciplinary action against them, including recommendations for dismissal
• To make rules:
 regarding schemes for recruitment and procedures for the appointment of Judges
 ethical standards of Judges
 providing for such matters as are necessary or expedient for the exercise, performance and discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the Commission
• To advise the President and the People’s Majlis (Parliament) on any other matter relating to the Judiciary or the administration of justice
• To exercise such additional powers and functions prescribed by this Constitution or by

References: Kelchner. L., (n.d.), The Influence of Employment Motivation on Produictivity, Retrieved on (October 15, 2012), from: Bowman. D.J., (n.d.), Increasing Staff Productivity, Retrieved on (October 16, 2012) from: Coleman. W., (n.d.), How To Increase Productivity with a Rewards Employee Program. Retrieved on (October 12, 2012) from: (2008), Functional Translation of the Constitution of Republic of Maldives Bauer, T., Carpenter, M., & Erdogan, B., Principle of Management and Organizational Behavior, Retrieved on (October 15, 2012) from:

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