Employee Perceptions of Organizational Change: Impact of Hierarchical Level
Dr. Liz Jones (Corresponding Author)
School of Psychology
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road, Nathan,
QLD 4111, Australia
Tel: +617 3735 3365
Fax: +617 3735 3388
Email: l.jones@griffith.edu.au
Bernadette Watson
School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
QLD 4072 Australia
Tel: +617 3365 6398
Fax: +617 3365 4466
Email: bernadet@psy.uq.edu.au
Elizabeth Hobman
School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
QLD 4072 Australia
Tel: +617 3365 7187
Fax: +617 3365 4466
Email: liz@psy.uq.edu.au
Prashant Bordia
School of Management
The University of South Australia
City West Campus, North Terrace, Adelaide
SA 5000, Australia
Tel: +61 8 830 27003
Fax: +61 8 830 20512
Email: Prashant.Bordia@unisa.edu.au
Cindy Gallois
School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
QLD 4072 Australia
Tel: +617 3365 6417
Victor J Callan
UQ Business School
The University of Queensland
QLD 4072 Australia
Fax: +617 3365 4466
Email: c.gallois@uq.edu.au
Tel: +61 7 3365 9009
Fax: +61 7 3365 6988
Email: v.callan@business.uq.edu.au
This research was supported by a Strategic Partnership with Industry- Research and Training grant from the Australian Research Council.
Employee perceptions of change
Purpose: This study examined the influence of organizational level on employees’ perceptions and reactions to a complex organizational change involving proposed work force redesign, downsizing and a physical move to a new hospital.
Methodology/Approach: Participants included executives, supervisory and nonsupervisory staff in a major tertiary hospital. Recorded in-depth interviews were conducted with 61 employees about the positive and negative aspects of the change.
Findings: Twelve themes were identified
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