Sarah Chupa[1]
© 2011
This paper is divided into three main parts: the first part of this paper attempts a discussion on what shall form the explanations for the various ways in which people behave. In the course of her discussion, the author of this paper premises her discussion upon the following related matters; factors which influence peoples’ behavior, explanations on the reasons behind different ways in which people behave, and lastly will the author discuss the importance of studying behavior of the people in an organization. The second part of this paper discusses on the issue why should a manager need to understand individual differences; and antecedent to giving my response to the mentioned issues the author discusses the following: what do individual differences mean, types of individual differences, how do they differ from one another, she finally finishes with the answer on why managers should have knowledge of these individual differences. The third part discusses on what roles emotions play in an individual’s performance effectiveness. Prior to this the following i.e. the meaning of emotions, types of emotions and importance of emotions are discussed. Part four of this work constitutes a tentaive conclusion.
Most of the text and research emphasizes the importance of individual behavior and how managers should use this knowledge for the best interests of the organization. In the organization social system, the relationship between the manager and the employees is not unidirectional but bidirectional. While the manager tries to assess the behavior of the subordinate, the subordinate also makes a continuous effort to evaluate the manager’s perspective and
References: Davis, K. (1989) Human behavior at work, organizational behavior, McGraw- Hill Publishing, London Greenberg, J & Baron A.R (2000) Behaviour in Organizations (7th edn), Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd- London Luthans, F. (2008) Organisation Behaviour (11th edn) Mc Graw Hill, Irwin-Boston-USA. Khanka S.S. (2003) Organisational behaviour (Text and Cases), Chand & Company Ltd, India. Mullins L. (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour, (9th edn), Prentice Hall- London. Robbins (1994) Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Prentice-Hall Inc. USA.