Company One The Devil Wears Prada portrays a typical example of a company named Runway, which functions on the basis of an Adhocracy. This type of business structure portrays a company, which functions through a support staff and practice selective decentralization (, 2012; full link in References). This in the sense of company culture can be linked to Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory where the company “Runway” is very high distance power (, no date; full link in References). In definition this means that there is a large power distance between the employer and the employees. Miranda Priestly, who is the head
of the company is treated with much respect and uses her power to control and lead the company, which can be seen in the movie during the scene where panic is laid out through the company due to her arrival (moviemomentsAUS, 2012). This is a clear example of how the
References: : 20.10.2012) 20.10.2012) on: 20.10.2012) (2012) The on: 20.10.2012) (2011) You 20.10.2012) The Devil Wears Prada (2006) by David Frankel Distributed by: 20th Century FOX Up In The Air (2009) by Jason Reitman Released by: Paramount Pictures