1. Introduction p.3 2. Background Information on the Courthouse Hotel p.4 3. Internal and external drivers for change p.5-6 –PEST and SWOT 4. The Courthouse Hotel: nature of change p.7 5. Reactions to change p.8-9 6. One approach to change management: p. 10- 12
The Courthouse Hotel 7. Conclusion p.13 8. References p.14
An environment in which change may be the only constant is a challenge to every organisation and manager alike (Hayes, 2007). The need and pressure for change being consistent, it is crucial to the success of a company to recognize the need for and manage it effectively in order to make change ‘a more welcoming concept’ (Cameron & Green, 2007, p. 2). Defining change management is difficult. Many academics emphasize that there is not one, sole definition. In this report the role of change management will be defined as the process of ‘modifying or transforming organisations in order to maintain or improve their effectiveness’ (Hayes, 2007, p.13). The processes of change management will be illustrated using the case study of the Courthouse Hotel and will examine various key areas of approach and management of change. Looking at the organisational background and the environment, internal as well as external, it will then proceed to examine the nature of change the hotel is faced with using a positioning model for illustrative purposes. As change may not always been seen as positive, different reactions to change will be considered and, lastly, a strategy will be recommended and explained to further develop an understanding of how to manage change in an organisation effectively.
Background Information on the Courthouse Hotel
Once being one of the major hotels in a large city, the Courthouse Hotel has lost its
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