It is of utmost importance to study the organizational culture of a firm so as to have knowledge about the functioning and management of an organization in order to bring about more planning and development towards attaining the goals of the organization. Organizational culture mainly helps in the study of the behaviours and attitudes of the employees in an organization so as to maintain or develop, if necessary, their coordination and thus direct them to the achievement of targets set by the organization. This assignment mainly aims at explaining in detail organizational culture and its effects on the role of the manager.
Every organization is the part of a society and every employee is a part of the society that he or she comes from. Thus different people joining the organization bring their culture with them into the organization (Fincham and Rhodes, 1999). So it is the job of a manager to take care that there is no culture clash and there is a uniform organizational culture throughout the organization. Since the manager is the most important person in an organization, the culture of an organization mainly affects the manager before it may affect any other employees in the organization. A manager decides on the organizational changes, and organizational culture has an influence on the organizational change (Lorenzo, 1998; Ahmed, 1998; Pool, 2000; Silvester and Anderson, 1999).
Organizational Culture could be defined as the ideas, principles, ethics, hypothesises, expectations, attitudes, beliefs, standards and norms within an organization (Kilmann et al., 1985)
It consists of: • The manner in which people interact during organizational services and procedures, and the language generally used. • The customs shared by employees all through the organization. • The leading values of an organisation. • The idea that directs the organization 's principle towards employees and clients. • The
References: Ahmed, P.K. (1998), Culture and climate for innovation, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 1, No.1, pp.30-43. Denison, D. (1990), Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness, New York. Goffee, R., Jones, G. (1998), The Character of a Corporation: How Your Company 's Culture Can Make or Break Your Business, Harper Business, London. Kilmann, R.H., Saxton, M.J., and Serpa, R. (1985), Organizational culture and leadership, San Francisco Lorenzo, A.L Lupton, T. (1971), Organizational change: ‘top-down’ or ‘bottom-up’ management, Personnel Review, pp.22-8. Pool, S.W. (2000), Organizational culture and its relationship between job tension in measuring outcomes among business executives, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 19 No.1, pp.32-49. Robbins, S. P. (1993), Organizational Behaviour, sixth edition, U.S.A, Prentice-Hall International. Robin Fincham, Peter Rhodes (1999), Principles of Organisational Behaviour, third edition, Oxford University Press, New York Silvester, J., Anderson, N.R Wilson and Rosenfeld (1990), Managing Organizations: text, readings and cases, London, McGraw-Hill.