Jay Wilkinson in his Tedx talk on Company Culture shared that, ‘people more than business plans and assets are what makes a company strong. Leveraging a company culture, a company can go far beyond what it can imagine’. In a review of literature on the topic of Organizational Culture Edgar Schien suggested that the concept is not as straightforward but is fraught with a variety of writers who proffered many different meanings. In scanning the current literature online it is notable that as recent as May 2013 Michael Watkins started a LinkedIn discussion to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of his book The First 90 Days on what Organizational Culture means and how useful an understanding of the concept is for a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). (Watkins, 2013) We are therefore tasked with ensuring that the concept can be cogently explained and also discussing how it is in fact embedded in any organization to demonstrate that time needs to be taken to really grasp the dynamics taking place.
Michael Watkins discussion on LinkedIn referenced above was actively contributed by a number of senior managers and CEOs from different sectors and industries it will be useful to highlight some of those:
1. “Organizational culture is the sum of values and rituals which serve as a "glue" to integrate the members of the organization” - Board Certified Neurosurgeon at John Muir Medical Center – John Perrin
2. “Culture is how organizational members adhere to organizational policies, procedures and processes that guide them in undertaking organizational tasks” - Lead Mechanical Engineer – Robbie Katanga
3. “I see culture, as the "what it is" with the people; their collective view of how things are in their organization” - Communications professional specializing in change management and employee engagement (employed at Pearson Education) – Michael Sangillo
4. “In simple terms,
Bibliography: Forbes. (2013, September 27). MIT 's Ed Schein on Why Corporate Culture Is No Longer the Relevant Topic and What Is. Retrieved from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/karlmoore/2011/11/29/mits-ed-schein-on-why-corporate-culture-in-no-longer-the-relevant-topic-and-what-is/ Schien, E. (1990). Organizational Culture . The American Psychologist , 3. Watkins, M. (2013, May 1 ). Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/groups/What-is-organizational-culture-How-3044917.S.236735536 YouTube. (2013, September 27). What is Organizational Culture? Why culture should matter to your organisation . Retrieved from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd0kf3wd120