Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Academic Year: 2011/ 12
Semester/Trimester: 2
1. Key Information 2
2. Introduction to the Module 2
3. Intended Learning Outcomes 3
4. Outline Delivery 3
4.1 Attendance Requirements 4
5. Assessment 4
6. Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards 8
7. Assessment Offences 11
8. Learning Resources 11
8.1. Library 17
8.2. Other Resources 17
9. Module Evaluation 18
10. Report on Last Delivery of Module 19
1. Key Information
Module/Unit title: Organisational Transformation in Practice
Module Leader: Dr Lloyd D. Gray Chelmsford, Ashcroft International Business School, MAB301 0845 196 6836
Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the module. You can access the MDF for this module in three ways:
• the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
• the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at
• Anglia Ruskin’s module search engine facility at
All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at partner institutions throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations. You can view these at A printed extract of the Academic Regulations, known as the Assessment Regulations, is available for every student from your Faculty Office MAB301 (all new students will have received a copy as part of their welcome pack).
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
2. Introduction to the Module
This module provides the opportunity for students to personally explore the relationship
References: Adapted from Scott, M, (2000), Academic Misconduct Policy. A model for the FE Sector. (Copyright _ Association of Colleges 2000) More information Bion, W. R. (1961) Experiences in Groups and Other Papers. New York, Tavistock, Routledge. Bion, W. (2004) Attention and Interpretation. Oxford, Rowman and Littlefeld. Bowlby, J Bowlby, J. (1998) Loss: Sadness and Depression. London. Pimlico. Bowlby, J. (1997) Attachment. London Pimlico. C. Huffington, D. Armstrong, W. Halton (2004), L. Hoyle and J. Pooley (Eds.), Working Below the Surface: The Emotional Life of Contemporary Organisations, Karnac: London. Gould, L., Stapley., Stein, M. The Systems Psychodynamics of Organizations: Integrating the Group Relations Approach, Psychoanalytic, and Open Systems Perspectives. New York: Karnac Books, 2001 Jung, C Jung, C. G. (1981) Aion :researches into the phenomenology of the self, Routledge and Kegan Paul. Jung, C Jung, C. G. (2001) Modern man in search of a soul. Kegan Paul. Kets De Vries, F. R. (1991). Organizations on the couch: handbook of psychoanalysis and Management. New York: Jossey-Bass. Kets de Vries, M.F.R., (2001), The leadership mystique, Prentice Hall, London. Ketys de Vries, M. F. R. (2006) The Leader on the Couch: A Clincial Approach to changing people and organisations. John Wiley and Sons. Kets de Vries, M.F.R., (2007), Coach and couch, Palgrave, London. Kets de Vries, M. F. R. (2009) Reflections on Character and Leadership. John Wiley and Sons. Kets de Vries, M.F.R. and Konstantin Korotov (2010) Leadrship Development. Edward Elgar. Klein, M. (1935, 1981). A contribution to the psychogenesis of manic-depressive states. Kubler Ross, E. (2009) On death and dying :what the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy and their own families. Londo, Routledge Marris, P., (1986) Loss and Change Western, Simon (2008) Leadership: A Critical Text. London, Sage Menzies Lyth, I Menzies, Lyth, I. (1989) The Dynamics of the Social. London, Free Association Books Stapley, L Weatern, S. (2007) Leadership: A Critical Text. Sage Publications Zaleznik, A Fineman, S. (2003) Understanding Emotion at Work. London, Sage. Fineman, S Bowkett, S. (2008) Emotional Intelligence. Stafford, Network Continuum Education. Goleman, D. (2004) Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School. Cummings T. G. and Worley, C.G. (2008) Organization development and change Stacey, R. D. (2007) Strategic management and organisational dynamics :the challenge of complexity to ways of thinking about organisations. Financial Times, Prentice Hall. Bolman, L. G. and Deal (2008) T. E. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, 4th edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lewin, K. (1997) Resolving Social Conflicts: Field Theory in Social Science. Washington D. C. American Psychological Association. Morgan G Morgan, G. (1993) Imaginization: The Art of Creative Management. Sage. Michael Reynolds & Russ Vince (eds.),(2006) Experiential Learning and Management Education Weick, K. (2009) Making Sense of the Organisation: Volume 2: The Impermanent Organisation. Chichester, Wiley. Weick, K. (2001) Making Sense of the Organisation. Oxford, UK and Malden MA, Blackwell.