2011 November
School of Built Environment
Liverpool John Moores University
I would like to thank my lecturer, Dr. David James Brayde, for the valuable advice and support he has given me in the writing of this Academic report. I would also like to thank my colleagues, Mr. Anon Prishan and Mr. Chamath Perera for their encouragement and guidance. My deepest thanks go to my parents, for their love, understanding and support.
This Academic report carried out to learn the area of Culture in the Project Management, and according to the Assignment guidelines we have to identify the relationships between culture and Project management practise. Culture is a broad area of Organization culture, National Culture, Organizational climate, ethics…etc.. My study is mostly focused on Organization culture, and this study is written in order to identify how the knowledge in Organisational Culture can helpful for a better management of a project.
During the study I found that Culture is a large area with many concepts and theories, I selected some them to form this report, since I had to stick to the word limitation. And due to lack of experience in the construction field, this report may not totally fulfil the requirements of the problem.
Main finding was that a project manager with good knowledge in culture can handle the stakeholders of the project effectively. Mainly such project manger can win the people relevant to the project, by knowing their secret code of culture.
1. INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Background 6 1.1.1 Project Management 6 1.1.2 Culture and Project Management 7 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Concept of Culture 8 2.2 Organizational Culture 8
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