Organization climate by definition means a set of properties of a certain workplace that is received directly or indirectly by the employees and end up influencing their behavior in the organization. These are the properties of any business environment that the stuff come directly in contact with and observe them. Such properties are also influence employees voice, action and job performance. Other scholars refer to organization climate as corporate culture (Haasen 2003). These qualities are the small things that usually run an organization and make it what it is and what it will remain to be.
In any organization around the world, the perception that the employees have towards the qualities of an organization really matters. When it comes to management especially the human resource management, organization climate has some effects on it.
Improving organizational climate was one of the ways to increase job satisfaction and efficiency of the staff members. The higher the job satisfaction that is brought about by the enhancing and improving of the organizational climate their more productive and efficient the employees are. In this scenario, the situations where the turnover intention is lowered, and the job stress is minimized (Roussel 2003).
As the qualities of the organization perceived by the employees increase, the employees that are usually keen on self-evaluation tend to get lower scores. This tactic can be used in leading any organization. Throwing the yard stick too far when it comes to organization climate frequently tend to motivate the employees to work harder. They are usually not satisfied with the when they self-evaluate themselves against the high expectations and requirements that are set by the corporate culture. Employees have no other option than to work hard to achieve self-satisfaction.
Organization climate and organization culture are two things that ought to be addressed in any organization hand in hand. One
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