2. Historical Development of Organizational Behavior
3. Contributions of the following:
• Robert Owen * A Welsh factory owner who was the first to recognize the human needs of employees in the year 1800. He was called as the “Father of Personnel Administration” because of introducing many changes towards the improvement of working conditions.
• Andrew Ure * Because of him, the factory workers were recognized to the mechanical and commercial aspects of manufacturing by including it on “The Philosophy of Manufacturers.” He was the one who initiated the extension of extraneous benefits to workers such as sickness payment and medical treatment.
• Frederick W. Taylor * He created the interest in the working man, that later led to the development of organizational behavior in the early 1900’s in the United States. He is currently referred to as the “father of scientific management.” He advanced the idea that, “if there was a best machine for a job, so was there best a way for person to do his job.”
• Elton Mayo * he was recognized or referred to as the “Father of Human Relations” which was subsequently known as organizational behavior. Mayo together with F.J Roethlisberg studied of human behavior at the Harvard University which resulted in the concept that “an organization is a social system and the worker is indeed the most important element in it.” Their experiments proved that the worker is a complex personality interacting in a group situation. Mayo and his associates believed in increasing production by humanizing working conditions.
•Douglas McGregor * He is one of the forefathers of management theory and one of the top business thinkers of all time. McGregor developed a philosophical view of humankind with his Theory X and Theory Y in 1960.