Survey: Surveys are one of the primary methods management researchers use to learn about OB. A basic survey involves asking individuals to respond to a number of questions. The questions can be open-ended or close-ended
Field Studies: Field studies are also effective ways to learn about what is truly going on within organizations. There are survey field studies like the one above, but more compelling evidence comes from field studies that employ an experimental design.
Laboratory Studies: Researchers may conduct a lab study in which one group is assigned one condition and the other group is assigned the control condition. They give the researcher a great deal of control over the environment they are studying but do so in a less “realistic” way, since they are not studying real employees in real work settings.
Case Studies: Case studies are in-depth descriptions of a single industry or company. Case writers typically employ a systematic approach to gathering data and explaining an event or situation in great detail.
Meta-Analysis: Meta-analysis is a technique used by researchers to summarize what other researchers have found on a given topic. This analysis is based on taking observed correlations from multiple studies, weighting them by the number of observations in each study, and finding out if, overall, the effect holds or not.
2. Zhenyi Shen: As we all know, an important feature of market economy is full of competition, and competition in the final analysis is people and people competition, it is the quality of competition, in other words, it is a person's psychological activity and behavior of the competition. As a result, a significant characteristic of modern enterprise management is the "people-centered" management. With the progress of social