1.1 History of the Company
PT. Altek Karya Mandiri is a company that works in manufacturing industry. It serves as a producer and also the distributor of aluminum bars and aluminum ingots. Founded and incorporated in 1993, this company is lead by Mr. Thamrin. Their main products are aluminum bars and aluminum ingots which is varies depend on the purity rates. Manufacturing company is based in Tangerang as for the distribution is based in Jakarta.
1.2 Problems Around the Company
In this paper, the division that we choose is human resource department. It deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff that will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensurin that they perform to expectation. Prospective new employees ' initial exposure to a company is usually through interaction with an HR recruiter. This area of the HR department is responsible for calculating workforce projections, determining availability of applicants and assessing the suitability of candidates for placement throughout the organization. HR professionals in this area are likely to establish relationships with outside entities such as colleges and universities for recruiting purposes. Recruiters also contact newspapers and other media outlets to advertise vacancies. There also a benefits and compensation specialist which handle matters concerning the financial aspects of employment. Salary administration, compensation structure, payroll distribution and coordination of benefits such as group health insurance and retirement savings are core duties. Benefits and compensation specialists work to create a company-wide compensation program that is satisfactory to employees yet enhances the firm 's profitability. The next one is employee relations and labor relations. These areas are jointly responsible
References: Dessler, Gary. 2011. Human Resource Management. Essex: Pearson McShane, Steven and Marry Ann. 2010. Organizational Behavior 5ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Signature and Stamp from the Company For this paper we interview the human resource manager of PT. Altek Karya Mandiri, Mrs. Santi Larasati. Jakarta, June 2nd 2012 Mrs. Santi Larasati