예술 또는 과학 또는 둘다 management를 하나? 매니저가 발전시킬 수 있나? 성공적인 매니저의 특징은 무엇인가?
Before answer this question, we have to concern about what is the art, what is the science.
An art is characterized by:
1) Lack of explicit and commonly accepted models and theories to guide decisions and actions.
2) Effectiveness of decisions and actions dependent heavily on individual ability and skill.
3) Decisions may be taken based on personal beliefs, feelings and preferences.
4) Effectiveness of decisions and actions dependent heavily on individual ability and skill.
5) Many areas of knowledge pertaining to an art cannot be documented for training others.
A field of science is characterized by:
1) Use of objective data collected through observation and experimentation.
2) Systematic analysis and synthesis of such data to develop theories and models to understand reality and predict impact of various actions taken to influence the reality.
3) Decisions and actions based on objective data and insights gained from scientific theories and models.
4) Effectiveness of decisions and actions dependent on soundness of theories used and their appropriate application.
5) Scientific knowledge being objective can be easily documented for passing on to others
Comparing the nature of management against above characteristics of science and art, it becomes clear that management combines characteristics of both art and science.
Can managers be developed?
Yes. Managers can be developed. I think they have to be developed to survive their company, industry. They can use books, magazines, leadership seminars, etc. And nobody starts as a manager. They make theirselves as a manager. Depend on effort, everybody can be a manager, they can be developed.
There are items that can be a successful managers.
1) Self-Motivation: An effective manager can’t motivate