Organizational Behavior Assignment 3
The current company I work for is my own family business located in Quakertown Pennsylvania. Franks Beer Stein’s main product is beer and malt beverages. Since this is a family business there are a lot of different aspects that go along with owning and working here. The leadership may be different then what most people are used to in companies and bigger businesses. A family business has a leadership of one person. At this business we have the owner, manager then the five employees. Since this business has been around and owned by my family for over 40 years, we still have leadership theories from 40 years ago that has kept them going for so long. We have adapted new leadership theories from the times changing but most of them have stuck. The owner in our business it not really a leader, since she is retired from her other job, it is up to the manager to lead the employees in the right direction. Some of the aspects of leadership that has stuck with the business over the years would be, what the main focuses are (the customers), the training process and how the manager interacts with the employees. In this business it is like a family so there is a close relationship between the manager and the employees. I believe the theory that best goes along with this family business would be a combination of traditional and contemporary. We have many factors of the traditional but also contemporary because we are always trying to keep up with what is going around us but we also are stuck with the old leadership from 40 years ago that has gotten us this far in the business. Overall, each leadership will work but for different businesses. You need to find the one that will work the best for you business. Working at a family business creates a lot of stress for not only the family but the employees also. Since there is only five employees it is hard to get off or call in sick at times; this causes stress between the employees and we have been able to figure a way out to
References: Five Conflict Management Styles at a Glance. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2014, from
Identifying organizational stressors: An effective work approach. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2014, from
Quick, N. (2012). Organizational Behavior. Cengage Learning.